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Category: blog

Symbolism is a tool that has been used since the beginning of

How to use email marketing for a successful online business I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision i have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal vision is […]

Abstract The present investigation accounts for the influence of intraspecific competition among predator populations in a prey dependent predatorprey

How to write well: grammar tips The full form of ksa is knowledge, skill and ability. These three qualities are very important in case of any job. Especially if you are interested in federal government jobs then you must surely write the ksas. But do you know what a ksa actually is?let’s say, you just […]

Dengue Fevercauses Symptoms Treatment Vaccine

Using repackaging to ‘go big’ with your online biz You have probably heard the term “blogging,” but may not know exactly what it means. According to webster, a blog (or weblog) is an online personal journal. However, that definition has changed and grown since it was originally conceived almost 20 years ago. Wikipedia has the […]

Why Claudio is Such an Unsympathetic Character

What service do you need to make your book sell? When you give your book a target, it will hit the mark of good sales. To be honest, not everyone will be interested in your book. When you target one audience at a time, each tip, each story or how-to will be more effective. Aim […]

The Elevator Usage of Sound I recently watched the comedic short film The Elevator by Greg Glienna The film describes the everyday struggles and

The many forms of stress There are a number of options for you to choose when it comes to buying a printer for your computer. Computers have reduced paper wastage by a very good margin. Though in a corporate setting printers are of vital importance. They are used for transferring the content of a file […]